Make an iterator over the prime numbers less than or equal to n using a Sieve of Eratosthenes
The sieve should be created when building the Primes struct
You should provide a constructor which does so (Primes(n::Int)
The iterator interface is described here
You may wish to define additional functions
Sieve of Eratosthenes:
Allocate a Boolean vector of size n, where each element represents whether that number is prime.
Mark 1 as false
Let p=1
While there are numbers marked as prime greater than p:
Set p to the smallest number marked prime larger than the previous p
Mark all multiples of p (2p, 3p, ...) as not prime
Now, all numbers are marked correctly
Hint: 1:2:10
gives you a range over (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
Problem 2: Write a matrix type which is the outer product of two vectors
You should only store the vectors
Both should have element type T
, and it should be a subtype of AbstractMatrix{T}
You should implement the methods (docs):
getindex(::OuterProduct, i::Int, j::Int)
(hint: (uv')' = (vu'))
Try building an instance of OuterProduct in the REPL. Julia can already print it and has matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication defined!
Peano arithmetic provides a compact axiomatic description of the natural numbers. An informal description is:
There exists 0.
There exists the successor function, S(). S(x)=0∀x
S(x)=S(y) implies x=y
From this we can recursively construct the naturals. Further, we can define addition recursively:
+(0, 0) = 0
+(x, 0) = x
+(0, x) = x
+(x, S(y)) = S(x + y)
As well as multiplication:
*(0, 0) = 0
*(x, 0) = 0
*(0, x) = 0
*(x, S(y)) = x + (x * y)
For your implementation, you'll define types and methods to compute Peano arithmetic.
There should be two subtypes of PeanoNumber
: Zero
and S
should have no fields
should have a single parameter P <: PeanoNumber
, and a single field of type P
You should define +
, *
, and ==
You should also define convert(::Type{Int}, ...)
to turn the Peano numbers into regular ints.
The opposite conversion has been done for you
HINT: Think recursively! Remember dispatch!
HINT: Don't try to use too large of numbers. You'll find you're implementing arithmetic in the type system, so this can work the compiler pretty hard!